Are you tired of going to the gym? Do you want to keep in touch with the paddle surf world? Do you like to stay in shape? We have a complete program for those who practice stand up paddle and want to improve their performance whether that is for competition or not. The trainings are 1 hour long and are done twice a week. They are made up by a functional trainng session and another one of Crossfit.
In these trainings we focus on reproducing conditions similar to the ones we experience on the board. We use unstable bases (Indoboard, Fit-ball, etc.) to strengthen the general musculature while focusing on the muscles we use while paddle surfing. As it is known, the core zone has a series of fundamental muscles we use when rowing. We work on these muscles by using elastic ropes, medicine balls and TRX between other materials. This combination helps us strengthen our muscles in a very similar practice to paddle surf. Therefore, our body will be better prepared and the benefits will show immediately when we are on the board. Plus, we will gain greater flexibility and balance during our fun and entertaining routines.
This training is done on the beach, we return to our ideal place to continue our weekly training. In this occasion, we use the different elements we find on the way to create a combined workout between Crossfit and Bootcamp. Each workout is composed by a sequence of exercises which, depending on the day, is more focused on aerobics, strength or power. The workouts are at medium-high intensity, done in a row and with low break intervals or realizing active breaks after a number of repetitions. You will be constantly cheered on and encouraged to not give up and meet your goal through the help of our trainer as well as the energy created by the group. This type of exercise helps with mental resistance. It is highly recommended for people who need a bit of discipline and motivation to workout.
- Session (1h): 10€
- 4 Sessions Voucher (1h): 32€