Escuela de Paddle Surf en La Barceloneta desde 2014

Originales en la Barceloneta desde 2014

The first ‘Sunrise & Breakfast’ of 2018

[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” box_shadow_on_row=”no”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Some months have now passed since the last Sunrise paddle board departure, and thanks to the schedules that dawned, we have finally been able to return to the sea to enjoy the wonderful view of the sunrise from the middle of the sea; what a show!


It seems we were not the only ones that were eager to get out on the water as we were accompanied by a load of friends in that fresh morning adventure. It was not strange either, for this is one of our favourite activities that we do on a regular basis. Without a doubt, it was worth getting up early and enduring the cold; with the good humour and smiles of every one of the participants, they helped to warm the atmosphere and make the cold bearable.


We took a slow and relaxed trip into the sea, we took some photos and some brave paddlers made the trip complete by jumping in the water! After showering and warming up, we finished it all off with Breakfast; the second part of the activity that consists of a super breakfast that is prepared for us with all the love in the world by La Cala Barceloneta.


This has been the first of many…whilst the days are still short and fresh, we will do sporadic excursions hoping that once spring arrives we will go out every Friday, as usual, to see the sunrise from within the sea whilst we stand upon our beloved paddle surfboards.

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Moloka'i SUP Center

Escuela y club de paddle surf en Barcelona desde 2014


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Originales en la Barceloneta desde 2014

Originales en la Barceloneta desde 2014

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Originales en la Barceloneta desde 2014

Únete a una nueva forma de vivir el deporte, salimos del gimnasio para hacer ejercicio en el mar y al aire libre, para nuestra salud física y mental.
Por una cuota mensual podrás participar regularmente en actividades y clases de paddle surf, surf, surf skate, pero también entrenamientos funcionales y de crossfit entre otros, la lista es larguísima. Infórmate de todas las ventajas que tenemos para ti.

Originales en la Barceloneta desde 2014

Únete a una nueva forma de vivir el deporte, salimos del gimnasio para hacer ejercicio en el mar y al aire libre, para nuestra salud física y mental.
Por una cuota mensual podrás participar regularmente en actividades y clases de paddle surf, surf, surf skate, pero también entrenamientos funcionales y de crossfit entre otros, la lista es larguísima. Infórmate de todas las ventajas que tenemos para ti.

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