[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” box_shadow_on_row=”no”][vc_column][vc_column_text]A few days ago the results of the Circuit Català de SUP Race 2017 came to light from the Unió Catalana de Surfistas, UCS (Catalan Surfers Union). It reflects the result of the work and effort that our team made throughout the past year based on hours and hours of training with our Race Programme and Training Programme.
After three celebrated challenges on the Catalan coast – L’Escala (Girona), Cabrera (Barcelona) and Garraf (Barcelona) – our riders took the podiums of the queen championship categories; the males 14’ and the females 12’6:
Female 12’6 category
1st – Anna Garcia (Moloka’i rider)
2nd – Verónica Llorens (Moloka’i rider)
3rd – Rosa Rodríguez
Male 14′ category
1st – Miquel Roigé (rider and trainer at Moloka’i, Catalonia champion for the third consecutive year)
2nd – Pepe Oltra
3rd – Carlos López (Moloka’i rider)
You can consult the results for all other categories by clicking on this link.
We would like to wish our congratulations to all those that participated in the event, and in particular to our riders who we encourage and send a lot of strength to as they are already starting to prepare for the 2018 season, where there is very little time left until that starting gun goes off!
If you would like to become a part of our team, please contact us and let us know.
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